What Are the Advantages of Ready-Mix Concrete?


Ready-mix concrete is manufactured at a batch plant in a controlled environment according to a set engineered mix design. It can be delivered in two ways:

  • In-transit mixers or barrel trucks deliver the ready-mix concrete to the site
  • Volumetric concrete mixers are used to deliver the ready-mix to the worksite where the concrete is mixed

Different Types of Ready-Mix Concrete

Depending on how the ingredients are mixed, there are three types of ready-mix concrete: transit mixed concrete, shrink mixed concrete, and central mixed concrete.

Transit mixed concrete (or dry-batched concrete) is manufactured by mixing all the basic ingredients in the truck mixer. The mixer drum revolves at high speed during the loading phase, and after that, it continues rotating at normal speed.

Shrink mixed concrete is partially mixed in the plant mixer. After which, the remaining mixing is done in the drum mixer of the truck during transit to the construction site.

Central mixed concrete is mixed in a batching plant (known as wet batch plants or pre-mix plants). The mixed concrete is transported in trucks. During transportation, the truck acts as an agitator. When the workability requirement is low, non-agitating units can be used.

Advantages of Ready-Mix Concrete


The specialized manner in which ready-mix concrete is produced results in less wastage. Plus, manufacturing concrete is not as damaging to the environment as other types of building materials. Many manufacturing wastes can be recycled and repurposed.

High Quality Product

Ready-mix concrete is known for its high quality. Ready-mix concrete plants utilize sophisticated equipment and time-tested methods to ensure quality consistency in their concrete mixes. Different aspects of the manufacturing process, including materials testing, are conducted in a controlled environment. There is strict control over process parameters and key practices are continuously monitored.

Save Time

In the past, concrete was mixed on the site, which was a labor-intensive process. In addition, human error and mistakes contributed to delay in project deadlines. Ready-mix concrete is manufactured in plants with mechanized operations. Sophisticated equipment are used to reduce the potential for errors.

A ready-mix concrete plant can produce 30-60 metric cubes per hour, whereas the output of a site-mix concrete plant utilizing an 8/12 mixer rarely exceeds 4-5 metric cubes per hour.

Reduced Cement Consumption

Better handling, mixing practices, and use of admixtures & other cementitious materials help reduce cement consumption by 10-12 percent. This conserves energy and resources required to produce cement meaning that plants can produce the same high-quality concrete with greater efficiency.

Reduced Life-cycle Cost

Ready-mix concrete structures are more durable, have a longer service life, and do not require frequent maintenance when compared to other building materials.

Bayshore Materials Inc. is a reliable concrete delivery company near you. We have been tirelessly serving the Bay Area for almost six decades now. Our concrete products conform to high quality standards. To place your order, call (707) 644-0859.